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#1 Food Source for Deer
The most popular tree planting for deer. Loaded with carbs and protein, chestnuts are simply the most nutritous and most attractive food source available.
Like Candy for Deer
These juicy orange fruits are loaded with sugars that deer can't get enough of. Large trees are often visited daily by deer hoping to mop up the most recently fallen fruit.
Paw Paws
Small Tree, Big Impact
One of our favorites, paw paws can transform habitat quickly. Suited to shady and moist areas, they can go where others can't and their resistance to browsing makes them invaluable in areas with high deer density.
Nutrition When it Matters Most
Producing nutritous fruit and browse, these trees produce food during the vital spring/early summer months when deer and turkey mothers and young need it most.
Nutall Oaks
Deer, Ducks, & Everything in Between
These versatile oaks grow virtually anywhere, from upland areas to wetlands and produce bite sized acorns. Nutall Oaks and water make a deadly combination for waterfowl or deer.
Shumard Oaks
Full Season Nutrition
Shumards have variable drop times from tree to tree, giving them the unique ability to provide food for nearly half the year (Oct-Feb) with a stand of several trees.

These are only a few
we have over 20 varieties hand picked for wildlife
We know most of our trees won't be going to a backyard orchard. We sell varieties that can be planted in remote areas and still thrive even under less than ideal conditions.
Every variety that we sell is one that will improve your habitat. If we wouldn't plant it ourselves, we won't sell it.
Fruit and nut trees produce more food value per acre than even the best food plots, they only need planted once, and they're proven to be the most attractive food source for deer.
Need more evidence?
We've got you covered. Click the button below to see the data and find out why planting trees is the best thing you can do to improve your habitat.